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The Solution To 
Get Rid of Your Reflux
Starting as Soon as Today


NO, it's not a serious medicine, strict diet, or dramatic lifestyle change.
It's the only natural method with immediate and lasting results rivaling the best modern medicines. 

But it's pure and free from any harmful chemicals. NO side effects, SAFE for everybody.

The leading choice for 11 million people with acid reflux since 1937.



The Answer is Very Simple:

Your Body Needs to Naturally Heal The Root Cause of Your Reflux.

This is the only way to long-lasting and even permanent results, and the best part is, it's even quicker than you think.

Because according to medical facts, in 3 STEPS, you can speed up the necessary healing process from months or even years to only days. 

And most importantly, these steps hold the key to living a reflux-free life and you may never heard about them from a single soul.

Reduce the excess acid in your stomach.

Create protection for your digestive system to avoid future damage.

Strengthen your digestion to even lower the risk of any pain.

It's that simple, but still, there isn't a single medicine that can solve all three. 

I know because I tried a lot.

I have been struggling with reflux for over a year and almost lost 10 kg. I was thin and pale. As I call it now, a shadow person. Not living but only lurking in the world, eating very few things, and taking medicines every day. 

It was tough, but I refused to accept it as my new reality, so I kept on searching for opportunities to get my health back.

This is how I came across a natural remedy that accomplished what none of the special medicines, diets, and professional recommendations could and helped my body to finally start the healing process.

This remedy immediately changed my life and I haven't experienced reflux ever since.

And until now, it remained hidden from the Western world in a small village in Hungary.

But before we move on to the part you came here for and reveal this overlooked remedy, first, I need to emphasize that we are talking about the segment of your life that is usually mistreated: YOUR HEALTH. 


This is a serious topic, and I need to ask you to make a simple decision.

Becuase as you arrived to this point you have two choices:

- You could either give up and leave to try out multiple medicines on your own, then patiently wait for weeks to see if they have any effect or not.

If one works decently, then you can use it every single day for years until it stops working or complications come up. Then, you have to start all over again.


This could take months and even years and drain thousands of euros away from you unnecessarily. 


If you feel like this is kind of all right for you, then please do not read further and close this page. This remedy is not meant for you.

ONLY READ FURTHER if you don't want to waste your time, money, and energy on useless solutions. Instead, you would like to use a risk-free method that is proven and has already been tested by millions of people.

Green Hills


This remedy provides immediate relief from the burning stomach pain, protects your stomach, and supports your digestion, ensuring you will not experience any symptoms at all.

Once you use it regularly, you'll be able to just sit down with your friends or family and enjoy every bite of a delicious Sunday lunch without being distracted by your burning stomach.

You'll be filled with energy, only thinking of reflux as a distant bad memory while organizing your next holiday.

You, too, can live the life you deserve.

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Because it doesn't matter how bad your situation seems right now…

Did your first symptoms just appear, or have you been experiencing them for years?

Your pain isn't strong enough to put you in bed, but you feel nervous and irritated all the time?

Or is it so severe that you must follow a strict diet to avoid any unpredictable flare-ups?

And even if you have already tried every over-the-counter and prescribed pill and still experienced no change? doesn't matter.

Because the moment you start using this remedy, your body can finally start healing the damage reflux caused, and you will be closer to saying goodbye to reflux each day.

So, by now, you are probably wondering what is this natural remedy

Well, it's a special type of mineral water (medicinal water) that contains an extremely high amount of certain minerals.


One of these minerals makes this water specifically effective against reflux.

And this is Alkaline-Hydrogen-Carbonate (AHC).


AHC can quickly neutralize acids and transform them into water.


AHC can immediately end the main casue of your reflux: overaciditivity.

AHC is a main component of many effective medicines, but unlike those pills, this water is pure and doesn't have any harmful chemicals.

AHC looks very similar to salt and has a slightly salty and bitter taste, but it also has a very specific effect.

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Removes excess stomach acid

Supports digestion

"Protective Shield" in your stomach



Prevents cramps

Improves brain functions

Regulates normal fluid levels



Maintains proper pH balance

Aids to normal cell functioning

Essential part of digestion



Improves sleep

Helps with digestion

Reduces anexiety



Reduces risks for goiters

Helps hormone production

Improves cognitive functions



Supports dental hygiene

Rebuilds weakened tooth enamel

Slowls down tooth deterioration



Mood stabilizing effect

Improves emotional control

Increases brain concentration



Since its discovery in 1937, numerous medical studies have conducted tests and research on the water to completely map out its effects and determine its optimal use and consumption. 

By the end of the 1950s, after involving thousands of people with digestive issues, the scientists found the most efficient method, which became the key treatment for generations to come. Later, in the 1980s, 1990s, and 2010s, as technology advanced, the tests were repeated, but the results remained the same for each test.

Each study involved 100-300 participants with digestive problems, including both men and women aged between 30 and 75.


All participants followed the same method: a 4-week-long drinking regimen. Throughout these four weeks, they consistently drank the water three times a day, each time two hours before every main meal. After completing the 4-week drinking regimen, 85,7% of the participants experienced significant or even permanent relief from reflux-related symptoms, even in rare cases where medications did not work or symptoms were severe. 

And they were in the same situation just like you are now. 

They were looking for a solution that would give them back the one thing everybody else takes for granted: health.

Because reflux, with its unpredictable symptoms, loomed over their lives like a dark cloud.

But instead of relying on white pills, they chose to try this pure medicinal water–and for almost 90% of them, their lives changed. 

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It depends on your exact problem and what you would like to achieve.

There are 2 different methods, both equally effective, just for different issues.


It is really important that you choose the one that suits your symptoms the most and then use the method according to the recommendation. 


1. For Occasional Reflux


           You only experience reflux rarely, and it is not intense.

           It most likely goes away quickly.

           Even if it is a bit stronger, then antacids(Rennie) are usually enough to relieve the pain.

           You are trying to be aware of your health and take as few medicines as possible.

           You are looking for a natural solution you can simply use anytime.


All you need to do is use this water the same way you used Rennie.

Once you already feel any of your typical symptoms, instead of taking a pill, just drink a few sips(100ml), and your pain will immediately disappear.

And you don't need to wait days or weeks for the changes.


After the first day, you will feel the burning stomach pain getting weaker, and you can also sleep better.

You will see as day after day the pressure comes off you as slowly your favorite long-forgotten foods can return to your dining table. And by the end of the 4th week, you can wave goodbye to the pain and constant worry.

Imagine as the fear of unpredictability disappears, giving you the choice to enjoy your life to the fullest and laugh freely with your friends and family.

The long list of your trigger foods shrinks down to zero, allowing you to choose anything from every restaurant's menu. 

The plans and hobbies you had to put on hold finally open up because you are feeling strong and healthy again.

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This is possible, and millions of people like you have already used this water to stop their reflux and regain control over their lives.

Once you click on the button, you'll be taken straight to the bottom of this page, where I reveal this "secret" water and give you all the essential information you need to begin your journey and start experiencing results as fast as possible.

2. For Chronic Reflux

You experience reflux frequently, and it usually comes with intense pain.

You are living with the symptoms for a long time, even for years.


It can last for hours, most likely every time after you eat or even unpredictably.

You have tried multiple medications, including over-the-counter and prescribed drugs, with unremarkable results.  

You are looking for an alternative, clean solution that doesn't damage your body or cause addiction like pills.


The 4-6-week drinking regimen. During these weeks, you need to drink 200ml slightly warmed, 2 hours before every main meal.

The warmth and the minimum of 2 hours are extremely important for maximum effect.


If you follow them, then by the time you eat and the food arrives in your stomach, the acid level is normal, and you will have no reflux. The 4-week treatment is recommended because, during this time, your body can heal the damage that the acid caused every part of your digestive system.

You can do it, too, if you genuinely want to. The chance is almost 90% that your life will become better by the end of the drinking regimen.


There are people buying lottery tickets every week for less than 0,000001% just to win money. And it's common knowledge that money is worth nothing without health. Your health is the most important bare minimum to living a fulfilled and happy life!


But you have to deal with reflux every day and handle the constant irritation that's always at the back of your mind! It is not the way anybody deserves to live. There is so much more to life. And you have the chance to change that now.

To get back the freedom to enjoy any food at any time and then watch how quickly people around you notice the change and start mentioning your ear-to-ear smile.

Is a 90% success rate enough for you to leave reflux behind, turn the page to a new chapter, and enjoy every second of your life just as much as you want?

If this is what you are looking for, grab the opportunity now and click on the button below to see HOW YOU CAN START TODAY!

However, if you are still unsure and feel like you are missing something important to completely understand how this water could benefit you, then I would like to share something with you that would help you find that missing piece of information. Once you know it, you will be able to decide in a second if this water is for you or not.

Because not that long ago, I was in the same dilemma as you are now. I didn't know what I should do, and it's totally normal, I understand.

But looking back now, the only thing I regret is waiting for too long. Because after completing the entire 4-week-long regimen, my life has changed. 

And the best way for you to understand how you, too, can use this water is to see how it worked for a real person.

So let me share with you...

 How my reflux completely disappeared in 30 days after every medicine, diet, and treatment failed me.

Hi, my name is Balazs, and my battle with reflux started

2 years ago.



But I knew it was something different. Instead of being quick and sharp, my mind was blurry, which made me think and react slowly. All I could do was wait for it to finally end and hope that I would never feel anything like this ever again.

Little did I know this was going to be my "normal" state for a very long time, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, exhaustion, lack of sleep, bad breath, weight loss, lack of future plans, and many social burdens.

It was unpredictable what food would cause problems and when, so I could never fully enjoy myself. I felt like a shadow person, only lurking in the rooms without actually being there.

Despite all the problems, I genuinely believed everything would go back to normal by itself. Just as It came, it goes, right? 

Well, not this time! So, instead of waiting for a miracle, I am really thankful for my friends and family, who witnessed my rapid downfall and convinced me to see a doctor immediately.

By the time I first went to my GP, I had well known most of the possible symptoms and already lost 8kgs. Just by looking at me, you could tell something was wrong. My face was sunk in and pale, and my eyes were full of desperation.

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One day, I woke up and headed to the kitchen to slice a fresh piece of bread with ham and brew my usual black coffee. It had always been my everyday routine, but on that particular day, something changed. 

After a few bites, this terrible headache struck my skull so hard I couldn't keep my eyes open. And this unusual burning pain came up in my belly feeling like a hundred needles were stabbing me

I thought there must be something wrong with the ham, so I grabbed a glass of water and rushed into my bed, trying to sweat it off. 

First Attempt: a New Diet

My doctor first advised me to make some lifestyle and dietary changes, which included less stress, no physical work, elevating my head during sleep, and a new diet.  Easier said than done, right?

After I completely reorganized my life around the new rules and limitations, I found myself with an empty fridge and an empty stomach. Most of the new meals were tasteless and bland, and cooking required a lot of time. You may think, but at least it is worth it because I would feel better. Sadly, no. 

I have only felt a little less acid in my belly, and if I ate the slightest bite of any trigger food, I was back in pain in 15 minutes.

All in all, some of the changes initially seemed easy, but they later became a headache with unremarkable results, only adding more weight to my shoulders.

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Maybe Alternative Medicines?

As months passed and my symptoms barely improved, more like worsened, I was becoming worried. Am I going to live my entire life like this?  That was never an option, and I couldn’t accept it.


At this point, I knew if I wanted to have a chance to live normally again, then I needed to ask for real medicine. But before signing up for the "white pill treatment," I gave one last chance to the internet, and maybe I came across something interesting.

While I was looking for recovery stories, one alternative medicine caught my attention: BioGaia Gastrus. It is a probiotic for optimal gut health, and it is also rather expensive, but I decided to give it a try.


It did not help at all. I had the most acid in my belly ever, which gave me one of the worst 2 weeks during my entire reflux. It was simply useless, so I threw it out into the trash.

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Settle for Real Medication?

After the disappointing results of the diet and the alternative medicine, I had no other choice but to ask for real help. So the next morning, I called up my GP.

He put me on Omeprazole 20mg once a day. As much as I didn’t like medicines, after 2 days, I have really felt the change. There was so much less acid in my stomach, and I finally had some relief from reflux. It worked, but there was a big problem.

The treatment was supposed to last only for 4-8 weeks. However, as soon as I stopped taking the pills, the misery started all over again. I just couldn’t stop using it.

As a result, instead of the recommended 14 days, I ended up using Omeprazole for more than 300 days. And what is the price of taking a strong medicine for too long? Yeah, it's addiction. As I stopped Omerpazole, I became anxious, quick-tempered, and felt a weird craving for something, but I did not know for what. 

By this time, I had been struggling with reflux for over a year, which had worn me off physically and mentally. The lack of sleep and the exhausted mornings put their marks on the quality of my life. I did not eat enough because I feared the inevitable consequences, but it only made me weaker and depressed. 

Meanwhile, I did everything I could to help my recovery with diets, a clean lifestyle, and also medicines. And still, nothing changed. It seemed like something was missing.


I was making promises to my future self, like If I ever become healthy again, I would take good care of my body. Just give me an opportunity. I was ready to try anything.

Little did I know that opportunity was just a phone call away.

It's Time for a Change

My mother called me, and what she was about to say has changed the course of my life.

Her voice was full of excitement as she told me the story of how she met with one of her friend who had also been suffering from reflux for years. No medicine or diet made any difference, so she had to accept that from now on this was how her life was going to be like.  But at the edge of giving up on hope and settling for acceptance, she came across a medicinal water that seemed like the last choice for relief. She did the recommended 4-week drinking regimen, and by the end, the impossible happened. Her reflux was gone, and she has been symptomless ever since.  

And yes, this is the same medicinal water you already know a lot about, as we call it in Hungary, the Salvus.

After my mother hung up, I was 100% certain that I would give it a try, but as much as I loved to start as soon as possible, there was one major roadblock ahead of me.


The Salvus was only available in Hungary, and there was no option to deliver to any other country, including the Netherlands, where I was living. (By the time you read this, it is no longer an issue)

Simply put, I had two options: either I go and pick it up, or I keep hoping that somehow I will become healthy again. It turned out to be the easiest decision of my life. Luckily, my summer holiday was coming up, so I hopped into my car and headed for Budapest.

1500km and 17 hours later, when I finally arrived home, the green Salvus bottle was already waiting for me on the kitchen table; all I needed to do was Start.

After such a long journey, I couldn’t even eat. The long sitting had been rough on my stomach, so I poured the water into a glass and warmed it up in the microwave for 5 seconds. Then, I drank it in small sips and went straight to bed.



Let's Finally Recover!

Important Information

I chose the shorter 4-week regimen. Throughout these weeks, I followed my reflux diet, and I stopped taking Omeprazole by the end of the second week.

The Regimen

As you already know, it is very simple—200ml, slightly warm, 2 hours before every main meal. The warmth and the minimum of 2 hours are crucial for maximum effectiveness. If you follow these guidelines, by the time you eat and the food reaches your stomach, the acid level is normal, and you'll experience no reflux. The 4-week treatment is recommended because, during this time, your body can heal the damage that the acid caused every part of your digestive system.

Week 1

The next morning, something unexpected happened. For the first time in over a year, instead of waking 5-6 times during the night, this time, I slept through the entire night. Not only that, but I also slept in for an extra 2 hours, hitting a solid 8 hours of undisturbed rest.


Moreover, I didn't feel any of the usual stomach pain or the scratchy acid in my throat. It might sound strange, but it was wonderful just to lie there and enjoy the morning. I finally wasn't exhausted and had a sense of energy for the day ahead. It was an incredible feeling, especially since it was just the first morning.

From then on, every day started the same way. The water was waiting for me on the kitchen table; I poured out 200ml, warmed it in the microwave for 5 seconds, and drank it in small sips. Throughout the day, I kept a smaller bottle with me with enough water for before lunch. It didn't add extra pressure on me, and I never forgot to drink it.


Actually, I was excited to see what would happen after each glass. Knowing that nothing bad could happen to me was really comforting since it’s a mineral water with no side effects. After many months of struggling, I started to see a small flickering light of hope at the end of this dark tunnel—and it was only the first week.


Week 2

This week had the most significant impact on my deeply damaged emotional side. As my symptoms became less severe, life was filling me up with color again.

My friends kept telling me how good they felt around me. The depressed, quiet, distressed guy was now making people laugh, and I genuinely enjoyed myself with everybody. My best friend even said that my eyes were shining now.

It was such a relief that other people also noticed my recovery because I truly felt so much better. So, I decided to stop Omeprazole once and for all and stick only to the Salvus. I had a feeling that everything would be all right.

Week 3

This was the most important week in my recovery because I could finally successfully come off Omeprazole. I only felt some stomach pain and irritation in the first two days, but then it completely vanished. No cravings, no nausea, or any chest pain. It was all gone, and the biggest burden just fell off my shoulders.


Also, I didn't experience most of my agonizing symptoms. After eating, I had no more nausea, bloating, or hiccups, and swallowing the food became easy without the acid or lump feeling in my throat. As a result, my usual fear of eating slowly disappeared, opening the way once again for my good appetite. I was feeling hungry not only for food but also for the enjoyment of eating.

It was also getting harder to stick to my diet because the urge was growing to try some of my old favorites. However, the thought of ruining my entire progress over a piece of chocolate was way too scary to risk it.

Intentionally, I didn't eat anything that wasn't permitted, but then once, I accidentally had a bite of one of my worst possible triggering foods: chicken skin.

I didn’t even realize it until the entire bowl of chicken soup was gone. I was so mad at myself. How could I not see? Now I have ruined the last three weeks. It was all for nothing!

But as I was fighting with myself, 30 minutes passed, then an hour, and to my surprise, there was no sign of any pain.

I just couldn’t stop laughing. Thoughts were racing through my head: Am I going to be healthy now? Can I eat everything now? Should I try chocolate, spicy meat, or coffee? Why didn’t I start earlier?

But the goal was so close, and I couldn’t bear the thought of going back to the beginning. No, never. So, instead of slipping off track, I focused only on the last week.

Week 4

In the beginning, the 4-week period seemed awfully long, but it passed in the blink of an eye. From feeling hopeless, now here I was, living without pain.


All of my symptoms disappeared, and I felt strong and ready to live again. I was once again planning ahead, so I dragged out a sheet of paper from the bottom of my drawer. On the top, it read: Goals.

The page was filled, but most of them were still unfinished, put on hold because of reflux. But now I finally had the chance to finish them all. So, I stuck it to the fridge as a reminder of what I genuinely wanted.

Also, smaller things like taking a walk in the park or cooking breakfast became enjoyable, as I was no longer worried about my unpredictable symptoms. I could relax and turn off my mind. Every morning, I woke up 5 minutes before my alarm, feeling energetic and ready for the day.

My friends and family were finally at ease around me, knowing I was not in pain. A strong, confident, healthy person had replaced that grey shadow I used to be for so long.

It was difficult to accept how much time I had lost because of reflux, but thanks to the Salvus water, I finally got my life back.

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Final Check Up

She said my stomach and food pipe were healthy—there were no scars of reflux or ulcers. I was at 100%.

It was one of the happiest moments of my entire life. I was officially healthy. In my head, I was already picturing myself walking around in Albert Heijn, feeling that I could buy anything because I could eat anything.

Just the thought made me so hungry; all I wanted was to leave the building and never look back. But before I could open the door, the doctor stepped to me and asked:


But before celebrating with a fresh toastie sandwich, a cup of coffee, and a box of chocolate, I scheduled an appointment for a gastroscopy just to make sure I was 100% all right.

A gastroscopy is an examination where a camera is inserted into your stomach to identify any scars or damage. Simply put, if they see something unusual, it's bad news.

My appointment was at Bergman Clinics, and they were really professional and friendly. I can only recommend them.

The examination took only 15 minutes, and the doctor immediately told me the result.

“After reading your referral, I thought you were in great pain, but we have seen nothing that could indicate that. May I ask what happened since you received the referral from your GP?”

“Yes, I was in horrible pain back then. Nothing helped, but then I tried a medicinal water 4 weeks ago, which, as you can see, helped me greatly.”

With a subtle surprise in her tone, she asked:

“That’s great news. May I ask what kind of water it is?”

She seemed genuinely interested, so I explained everything I knew about the Salvus.

What she said to me became my mission and the foundation for this website.

She said many of her patients look for alternative solutions for their reflux other than medicines, but they had very little success. If this water was available here in the Netherlands, it could change many lives.

This got me thinking about how many other people can suffer every day from the same symptoms as I did, not just for 1 year but even for decades.

How many different diets and medications have you tried, and nothing helped? Do you feel like you have no other choice but to accept this new reality? Is this how your life is going to be? Is this the new normal?

I was there; I know what it feels like, and even though the odds were against me, I still managed to become healthy again.

And it's all because of the Salvus Medicinal Water.

Even though it was impossible to have it outside of Hungary for 80 years, I have dedicated myself to making it available for you as soon as possible. So you will have the choice to regain your health again and come out as a new person in the end.

Now the decision is yours.

Do you want to live with reflux forever, feeling hopeless, only thinking that one day it may stop and everything will be normal again?

Or would you like to feel confident and strong again, to live your life to the fullest and leave behind all the worry and pain?

Since you are here right now, I know your answer. You understand it’s an important moment when you are only a step away from starting your recovery. You have never been this close, only a click away from having the Salvus at your door.

Because after months of planning and negotiating, I successfully established a connection and built up a supply line with the original source in Hungary. After 84 years of waiting, finally, the barriers have fallen, and you can start your journey to being reflux-free today.



The Salvus Medicinal Water is Now Available for You



 Salvus Testimonials 

Dr. K. Ilona recommended to her patient who could stop taking medicines.

“After finishing the 4-week drinking regimen, we have seen, and my patient also reported such change that we were able to stop her previously necessary medicinal treatment."

J. Janos’s stomach pain immediately stops.

“I had constant stomach pain since my childhood, and during an X-ray, my doctor also identified signs of an ulcer in my horseshoe intestine. Whenever I feel any pain in my stomach, I just drink a glass of Salvus, and the pain goes away immediately.”

Z. Jozsef needs no more medication and has stopped his diet.

“I used to suffer from stomach pain due to hyperacidity. My doctor prescribed me many medications, but there was no relief. Years of pain and the effects of the pills eventually made my stomach bleed. I was told that I must have stomach surgery. One of my friends, who was a doctor in Switzerland, suggested me the Salvus. After the 4-week long regimen, my symptoms completely stopped, and I no longer needed stomach surgery. Since then, I regularly drink the Salvus to avoid any future surgeries. Also, I don’t need to follow any specific diet or rely on medication to be symptom-free."


As much as we'd like to offer the chance to experience the benefits of the Salvus to as many people as possible, we're a small new company with limited storage space

To meet the Dutch safety regulations, we could only fit 300 bottles in our warehouse. 

That might sound like a lot, but it's only enough for 25 people to complete the entire 4-week regimen. Yet, in the Netherlands alone, over 4 million people are dealing with reflux, just like you, and they're all searching for something like the Salvus. As much as I appreciate you taking the time to read through this page, if only 24 people decide to order their bottles by halfway through the page, you might miss your chance to claim yours. You'll know 10 times more about Salvus than them, but they'll be ahead if you wait any longer because their bottles are already on the way.

If you don't want to miss your opportunity to begin your journey towards a reflux-free life, click on the button below and secure your bottles now! 


- 2,5 DAY SUPPLY -



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8€ / Bottle





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5€ / Bottle







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6€ / Bottle


100% Satisfaction

40-Day Money Back Guarantee



Your order is covered by a 40-day money-back Guarantee. If you do not experience any changes or you are not impressed by the results, all you need to do is contact us within the first 40 days of your purchase. Send us all the bottles, even the empty ones, and we'll still refund your money.

-The Salvus is a natural medicinal water, specifically effective against reflux by offering you immediate and lasting relief.

-The Salvus is one of the strongest medicinal waters, free of any harmful chemicals, only containing 100% natural minerals that gives a salty taste to the water. 

-One of the minerals is Alkaline-Hydrogen-Carbonate(AHC), which will stop the cause of your reflux: the raging acid in your stomach.

-The Salvuus with AHC and the remaining minerals will help your body to heal any inflammation and damage reflux caused in your digestive system.

-Supported by medical studies since 1937, 85,7% of the Saluvus users have experienced significant improvement or permanent recovery from their symptoms.

-Depending on the severity of your reflux, to see the quickest results with the Salvus, you can follow 2 simple recommendations.

-If you only have occasional complaints, whenever you start to feel any discomfort, you need to drink 100ml of Salvus. It will immediately stop your heartburn.

-In the case of chronic or diagnosed disease, the recommendation is a drinking regimen. This is a 4-6-week-long period during which you need to drink 200ml Salvus, slightly warm, 2 hours before every main meal. Every day, 3x200ml, slightly warm!

-I completed the 4-week-long drinking regimen, and by the end, my reflux had completely stopped, and I have been living my life without food limitations and worry ever since.

-You only hear about Salvus now because it was hidden in a small village in Hungary, only available to a handful of people compared to the world. But with my team, we managed to break the barriers, and we brought the Salvus right to your doorstep.  After 84 years of waiting, you now have the opportunity to join the millions of users and say goodbye to reflux today.



Frequently Asked Questions


What is the Salvus and how does it work?

Salvus Medicinal Water is a natural remedy specifically designed to provide immediate relief and long-term protection against reflux symptoms.

Salvus contains 100% natural minerals, including Alkaline-Hydrogen-Carbonate (AHC), which neutralizes stomach acid, the primary cause of reflux. By addressing the root cause of reflux, Salvus helps to heal inflammation and damage in the digestive system.


Is there any risk or side effect?

Salvus is mineral water sourced from 530 meters below the ground, and it's immediately bottled upon reaching the surface. This process ensures the total purity of the natural mineral content that Mother Nature created over thousands of years. The bottling facility's sterile, strict, and precise hygiene standards guarantee the safe usage of Salvus for anybody.

The only exceptions are if you have a coli disease, kidney problems, or acid deficiency.

After nearly 84 years, there have been no reports of any notable side effects. So, we are confident in saying that the Salvus is one of the purest formulas you'll find on the market.

As always, if you currently have a medical condition or you’re taking other prescription medication, we advise you to show a bottle of Salvus to your doctor before you take it, just to be 100% sure.


When and how should I use the Salvus?

  • For occasional reflux, drink 100ml of Salvus whenever you feel discomfort for immediate relief.

  • For chronic or diagnosed reflux, follow a 4-6-week-long drinking regimen. Drink 200ml of slightly warm Salvus two hours before each main meal, totaling 3x200ml daily.


Can you tell me about the guarantee again?

The more results we see, the stronger we believe the Salvus has the power to completely replace medicines, help you recover from reflux, and allow you to return to your symptoms-free life. It’s true, though, that nothing works for 100% of the people who try it, as each body works in its own way.

That’s why every bottle of Salvus comes with a 40-day money-back guarantee. If, for any reason, you aren’t fully satisfied with the results, just send us all the bottles, even the empty ones, and we'll still refund your money.


How can I get started?

It’s very easy! Just click the button below now to go to our secure order checkout page, enter your information, and we’ll immediately get to work shipping the Salvus right to your doorstep.



- 2,5 DAY SUPPLY -



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8€ / Bottle





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5€ / Bottle







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6€ / Bottle

Scientific References:

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